50 Years with a Gifted Kidney - Larry’s Story

In October 1974, just a week before his 20th birthday, young Larry Kreklewich stopped by his girlfriend’s house to break some life-altering news to her.

He had a donor. He was on his way to Saskatoon for his kidney transplant.

Larry was born with weak kidneys, so he had many trips to hospitals throughout his young life. While he maintained his health well in high school, his kidneys shut down soon after and he started dialysis in early 1974. When he got the call that there was a donor that could give him the opportunity to have a normal life, it changed everything. It was thrilling – and terrifying.

The first successful kidney transplant had been performed only 20 years prior, in 1954, so the procedure was still relatively new, particularly in the Canadian prairies. Everyone in the small town of Melville held this young man in their thoughts and prayers as he set out on this new adventure.

Larry in 1974

Larry in 1974 prior to his kidney transplant

And what an adventure – and a life – it turned out to be! While many at the time thought it would be considered a successful surgery after five years, those years passed quickly. He married his high school sweetheart, Beverley, and they began their plans of a family and building a new home.

Bev and Larry on their wedding day in 1976

Then 10 years passed – which made for even more celebration. Larry and Bev were living in their beautiful new home, both with long-term careers established, and they welcomed their son Leland to the family. And at 16 years post transplant, their family was complete with daughter Brittany coming into their lives.

Bev & Larry with baby Leland, 1984.

Twenty years… thirty… forty… Years filled with love and laughter, campfires and care-giving, happiness and heartache, vacations and volunteering.

At the 45 year mark, Larry & Bev’s “babies” walked down the aisles at their own weddings. At both ceremonies, Larry wept. They were tears of joy, love, and gratitude.

At 20 years old, Larry had not thought that he would live long enough to be married or be able to have the health and years it takes to raise a family. Now here he was, seeing both of his children married, full-grown adults with their own successful, happy, and enriched lives.

Thanks to an organ donor, he is living the life of any man’s dreams - and in 2024 will hit the incredible milestone of 50 years of 2nd chances.

To celebrate his 50th Kidney Anniversary, Larry and his wife Bev will be hosting a special Transplant Trot in Melville, SK June 9, 2024. If you havent already registered, please visit the event information page here.

It is such an honor to share this day of gratitude for life with you on June 9, only four months out from the anniversary of Larry’s life-granting surgery in 1974. Thank you for coming to be a part of it all, and for celebrating the blessings that have been granted to us for the past 50 years.

Larry & Bev Kreklewich and family


Registration for the 2024 Transplant Games opens February 15